Part I of my “Where to Thrift” series came out a couple months ago, with a spotlight on Jacksonville (and don’t worry, there’s a part II, and III and IV, soon to come). But as I’ve been spending the past month in Atlanta, Georgia — one of my favorite places in America — I figured it’s high time to focus on where to thrift there.
Here’s the thing: Atlanta is a sprawling city. There are suburbs and towns outside Atlanta that I still consider to have worthy thrift stores. So rather than create a minute-by-minute timeline of where to go for a day of thrifting, I’m just throwing all my favorite spots at you. So you likely can’t get to all of these spots in a single day, but the next time you’re in ATL, you can try and hit as many as you can.
And, because I love to eat and grab coffee, I included some of my favorite spots for doing those things, too. Love ya. Mean it.